
Learn how to develop a successful eLearning strategy



In learning and development there is often talk about the need to be more strategically focused. ELearning holds the promise of being flexible, faster and more effective than face to face learning.

Focus on getting results - measure performance not learning

For learning and development professionals the 70:20:10 model means changes need to be made to the way a program is evaluated. One of the opportunities involves moving away from focusing on measuring learning to measuring the outcomes from the program.

An experiment in collaborative storytelling for onboarding

This post is about an experiment in collaborative storytelling for onboarding that we tried at Sprout Labs. Collaborative storytelling is a facilitation technique that can be used online or face to face.

Open Lab: Location based learning experiments

For the next few months Alok Gavhane is working part-time as an intern with Sprout Labs on a Location Based Learning Experiment. Alok is a doing a Masters of Fine Art in Graphic Design at the University of Tasmania.

70:20:10 - Designing Blended Learning Experiences



10 Takeaways from the ElNet elearning Project Management Adventures Congress

Here are my top"”almost random"”takeaways and summaries from the eLearning Project Management Adventures Workplace Learning Congress.  

The elearning community must take more responsibility in communicating how quality e:earning looks and on how successful elearning projects can be run.

eLearning for workplace learning: e-nable workforce development

How to use eLearning to Accelerate learning, Assist knowledge capture and sharing, Increase your organisation's agility and performance and grow on-the-job workplace learning in your organisation.

Thoughts on changing employee behaviour towards safety

A common complaint I've heard from a few organisations is lack of employee motivation to follow safety systems. I've been thinking about this problem over the last couple of weeks and have come up with some ideas.