Evaluating 70:20:10 Learning Programs

brinkhoffs success method


Evaluating the impact and effectiveness of learning programs is often difficult and controversial. At Sprout Labs we have repeatedly found that well designed evaluation of learning programs can help to strategically drive success in programs build with the 70:20:10 model. With learning programs they often many factors at the play and taking a strict ROI approach is sometimes hard. Robert Brinkerhoff (2003) focused his Success Case Method on finding and replicating key success factors in the learning experience. The Success Case method focuses on case studies and the key factors that make those case studies successful.

We have a free webinar coming up on Wednesday 2nd September 2015 on Evaluating 70:20:10 Learning Programs

  • How the 70:20:10 model impacts the evaluation of learning programs
  • Outlining the Success Case Method (Brinkerhoff, 2003)
  • Using success factors to help design an holistic learning program
  • How focusing on evaluation can drive the strategic use of the 70:20:10 model